If you're ready to tap into your own personal creativity—not only as a stress reliever but as a powerful tool for self discovery as well - then you're in the right place.
Already know that I am speaking your language?
Join the Art of (Re)Discovering You NOW!"I feel lost and disconnected to the vibrant, carefree energetic woman I used to be- I can't even remember who she was!"
You’re an ambitious, go-getter, loving mom. You love your family and you're happy in your career....yet somehow, despite "having it all" on paper, you feel like something is missing.
But the thought of saying that out loud or even doing something about it - because how dare you not be grateful for the life you have - stops you dead in your tracks.
So you keep plugging along on autopilot.
Days turn into weeks which turn into months and you start to forget the last time you belly laughed.
The last time you filled YOUR cup.
The last time you truly enjoyed your time with your kids or your spouse.
If you're noticing a sinking feeling in your heart that this speaks to your current life situation, I get it. AND it doesn't have to be this way.

If you feel like you’ve lost yourself.
If you DO want more but are afraid to go for it.
Or if you have forgotten the last time you truly did something for YOU...it's OKAY.
And as women, the cards are seriously stacked against us.
We are taught that our value comes from productivity, how present we are as a mother and our ability to "do it all".
So that's what we do - we tackle the never ending to-do list, the mental checklists, the emotional and physical demands of the children, all while making sure everyone around us feels loved and secure.
It's no wonder that we lose ourselves along the way.
There simply isn't ROOM for us at the end of the day.
You love being a mom. You love your kids more than life itself. And while you are incredibly grateful for the life you have, feelings of burnout, frustration, resentment and guilt are starting to creep in.
However the story plays out for you, at the end of the day…
It’s you, laying in your bed at night, feeling alone, irritated, defeated, racing thoughts - wondering how you ended up in a life that doesn’t feel like your own and completely overwhelmed about how to move forward.
You’re looking for support from someone who “just gets it.”
You’re desperate to break the unhealthy cycles you’re stuck in.
You’re ready to (re)discover who you are outside of being a mom and wife/partner.
You’re ready to take back control of your own emotional health and happiness.
All You WANT Is to Connect With the Woman You Once Were -and take time for yourself without the guilt or shame.
Perhaps you've heard…

So you begin to feel hopeless and filled with sadness that this is just the way it’s supposed to be.
You CAN be an amazing mom AND not love every moment of motherhood.
You can be an amazing mom AND want time for yourself (lots of it, even!).
You can be an amazing mom without losing your entire identity in the process.
There's a reason why they tell you on the airplane to put your oxygen mask on before helping others...
...Because if you don't take care of you, first and foremost, you're not going to be able to help anyone else.
Before resigning yourself to a lifetime of survival, unfillment and tossing your dreams aside...
Motherhood doesn’t have to be a constant struggle.
And yet so many of the moms I work with come to me feeling overwhelmed.
Maybe you feel the same way. Maybe you think you’ve tried it all:
...and SO MUCH MORE.
You hope beyond hope that maybe more excitement, more joy, more happiness and less dread, less anger, less frustration are waiting for you on the other side of the laundry piles and stacks of dishes or your next promotion.
Instead, you just keep finding more exhaustion and never feeling like you are enough. So you pick yourself up and say, “There will be more time tomorrow, or once the kids are older.” (Spoiler alert: there’s never more time.)
It’s no wonder you feel irritated, resentful, and stuck in a life that’s nothing like what you pictured.
And no, that’s NOT “just how motherhood is supposed to be.”
Now imagine if....
- You wake up every day FEELING EXCITED for the day.
- You spend quality time with your kids each day, making memories and doing WHAT YOU LOVE.
- You've fallen back in love with your lost PASSIONS IN LIFE - painting, knitting, kickboxing, gardening - and you intentionally carve out time each day to enjoy them without an ounce of GUILT.
- YOUR KIDS SEE A MOM who takes care of herself, who prioritizes herself and stands up for herself and what she needs.
- You've finally achieved the elusive "balance" and TRULY FEEL AT EASE with how you're spending your time.

I promise you - living that life is easier than you think.
But, I totally get that it seems completely unimaginable.
You’ve never been taught how to actually PROCESS your thoughts and feelings and express them in a healthy way, so you bottle them up (or drink a bottle of cabernet).
You’ve been led to equate your value with your to-do list, how much you can manage and how much you can do day in and day out.
So you believe that you are somehow broken, not fit to be a mom or TOO EMOTIONAL to handle it all - and that you have to reach picture worthy perfection while people pleasing your days away to prove you are ENOUGH.
LISTEN UP: all of that, every single word that you have been trained to believe, is FALSE.
You deserve to be confident and fearless about who you are and what you want.
You deserve to enjoy your days instead of just moving through them.
You deserve to know how to navigate your emotions with ease and tend to your own needs.
AND...with the right tools in your toolkit, you CAN learn to take control of your MOOD & MINDSET and reclaim the version of happiness that you dream of.
There’s no denying that getting to this level of empowerment has its ups and downs, but thankfully, you have an expert (me) to break down each individual part and make it work in YOUR life.
You’ll feel SO MUCH LIGHTER and more free on the other side!!!
How do I know?
I’ve done it myself - and show other women how to do the same using my methods.
Today, you are being invited to join the ranks of the moms who are pushing past limiting beliefs, guilt and fears that they won’t know how to show up for themselves and INSTEAD saying YES to themselves and trusting that in fact they will be shown how...
I'm Ready to Break-Up With This Stuck Story. Enroll Me Now!
“It took me a few months of really thinking about if I wanted to make the investment in my emotional health and work with Kayla. And over the course of 8 weeks I have already learned so much about myself and am easily integrating the process into my lifestyle. Now I have the tools that I can use for myself AND my entire family. My advice, DON'T WAIT.”

I understand how easy it is to lose yourself in motherhood, because it happened to me.
Even after years of experience as a licensed mental health counselor and registered art therapist, there was a time when I struggled to feel joy in day-to-day motherhood.
There was a disconnect between what I thought motherhood would be like and what I was actually experiencing. There was no time for me (or so I thought) and the guilt from stepping away from my career or the kids was debilitating.
Anxiety and panic attacks were quickly starting to call the shots in my day-to-day life, but like so many moms, I was afraid to open up about my true feelings. So I continued to swim upstream.
I somehow convinced myself this was just how motherhood was meant to be.
Then I remembered something that changed it all:
Our children are little mirrors of the lessons we need to learn for ourselves. The more I struggled to regulate my emotions and tend to my needs and desires, the more triggered I was by everyday life.
I realized that I couldn’t teach my children to meet their own needs and chase after their own dreams while they were watching me neglect mine!
When I prioritized my own emotional health, that feeling of being pulled in all directions started to ease.
I was able to guide my children through their big feelings with confidence and build a deeper connection with them. Now I passionately pursue my own goals, because I know it is laying the foundation for my children to do the same for themselves one day.
It’s my mission to empower other moms to connect with their emotions so they can rediscover their joy and find deep fulfillment again.
Here’s how I’m making that happen...
The Art of (Re)Discovering You
A step-by-step method back to a vibrant, confident, fulfilled life.
Created exclusively for moms just like you.
Join the Art of (Re)Discovering You Now!
By the end of this course, you will...

Want to Reclaim the Joy in Your Motherhood Journey?
Whether you’re a high-achieving working mom who is ready to pursue career goals, a stay at home mom who wants to find more fulfillment and reconnect with yourself, or any mom in between, this method is for you!
The Art of (Re)Discovering You will help you connect with your emotions and gain true clarity about your values, goals, and dreams, while finally feeling the fulfillment and support you’ve been craving.
My method doesn’t focus on solving just one problem or developing just one skill- and this process is unlike anything you've ever tried before. It combines a holistic approach using art, mindfulness and essential oils to uncover the root cause of your overwhelm, befriending your emotions & rewiring your thoughts to break the cycle- forever.
You know how all the things you’ve tried so far haven’t given you the lasting fulfillment you’ve been desperately needing?
Without tangible, actionable steps to process and release your thoughts and feelings, there can’t be long-term healing or growth. That’s why my method works so incredibly well! It’s based on a whole-body lifestyle integration approach and includes support and accountability that traditional methods don’t.
And sometimes words ARE NOT ENOUGH!
Maybe you wish you had another way to express your thoughts and feelings...
Look no further!!
You WILL discover a deeper love and understanding of yourself through the healing and transformative powers of therapeutic art making.

The Art of (Re)Discovering You takes you step-by-step through my proven methodology, one week, one new level of awareness at a time so you can make the changes flow with ease into your busy life....
….and start to re-discover yourself, tap into those lost passions and unlock the vibrant version of yourself you have lost along the way.
Want a sneak peek of what's waiting for you inside the course?

Module 4: I AM MINDFUL
Module 6: I AM RENEWED
Module 7: I AM WORTHY
Module 8: I AM ME
Module 10: I AM NURTURED
Module 11: I AM INSPIRED
Module 12: I AM EVOLVING

What happens when you SAY YES TO YOURSELF?
Within minutes of joining The Art of (Re)Discovering You, you’ll have immediate access to everything you need to start re-discovering YOU!
Here's what's waiting for you...
- My creative, step-by-step method built with love for moms just like you with the exact steps to take. We’ll use this to reduce stress and instantly start taking control over your overwhelm while building resilience within your body. And you can go at your own pace.
- Practical tools that are designed to fit into your busy lifestyle. Art, essential oils, and mindfulness will be invaluable in creating sustainable practices around your emotional health.
- Audio lessons that are short and to the point, but offer powerful guidance and nurturing as you ignite your transformation. Immediately turn your new insights into utilizing the creative process for deeper meaning and understanding in your life.
- PDF downloads containing guides, recipes, therapeutic art making directives and journaling prompts for deeper learning.
- Community support in our Facebook group. You won’t be going through this journey alone! You’ll connect with other moms in the group so you can feel heard, understood, and uplifted. And I am in there too! Answering your questions and giving you the accountability you need to move forward.
- LIFETIME ACCESS to the membership site and program content!
I'm Saying YES to MYSELF! Enroll Now!
“I’m meeting my feelings and emotions in a better space and try to talk about them rather than try and make a point. You were so much better than my own therapist experience.”
Living an inspirational and dream filled life doesn’t come at the cost of being a “good” mom, partner or anything else.
It is the foundation of it all.
When we feel heard, understood and connected we allow parts of ourselves to shine…
This is where the magic happens.
This is why I created The Art of (Re)Discovering You in the first place...
Filled with so much love, creativity and inspiration to grow into the person you want to be.
- You won't have to feel alone and guess what steps to take, what order to take them in or what the most important areas are to focus on. It's all laid out for you.
- You won’t have to filter out all of the ‘background noise' which only leads to more overwhelm, fear of failure and self sabotage of not being perfect.
I’ve eliminated all the guesswork for you...
That means no more Googling ideas and getting lost in the internet abyss or trying to DIY your wellness and being overwhelmed by allll the options and wondering who to trust… I have curated the best and simplest ways to help you manage your emotional health.

Don’t worry if you’ve given up on yourself in the past.
You’ll have a community to surround you and my expertise to guide you.
It doesn’t matter where you are in your motherhood journey.
This course benefits working moms, work-from-home moms, stay-at-home moms, and moms whose kids are grown!
Don’t let your schedule stand in the way of transformation.
We’re all busy moms! You can transform in just 20 minutes a day. I’ll teach you how.
No one is going to judge you here.
Wherever you are at right now, you’re welcome!
You ARE worthy.
You DESERVE this, and so does your family.
Let me guide you to the motherhood you’ve dreamed of and the emotional empowerment you yearn for!
I'm Ready! Enroll Now!
“Kayla is welcoming and she brings so much positive energy to her work. Her encouragement to be curious and experiment with an open mind made it such a fantastic experience. I definitely recommend it!”
Because you DESERVE IT ALL there are bonuses too!
Carefully and intentionally curated to accelerate your progress & make success that much sweeter.

Individual Wellness Consult
Want to have an individual wellness consult to fast track your results? It's the same consult I use with my private clients - so you can find out EXACTLY what you need to support your personal success!
Now you can have access too- when you join The Art of (Re)Discovering You
VALUE: $197

Essential Oils + Aromatherapy
Wondering how you can use essential oils to support your wellness?
Essential oils up-leveled my self-care journey and made a massive impact on my emotional, mental, and physical health, and now all my recipes, guides and education are yours - completely free!
VALUE: $197

Fuel Your Mood + Mindset
How great would it be if you could support your emotional health naturally by the foods you eat?
Well- you can!
We’ll cover more of that inside the course… But these recipe guides will help you take inspired action now.
VALUE: $97
There’s a powerful awakening when you (re)discover yourself in motherhood. You simply need someone to guide you through those first steps.
“I am so grateful that you helped me open the door to my own emotional journey!!!!"
So… You have an EMPOWERING choice to make.
You could keep trying to sort out your relationship with your emotions and rediscover yourself on your own…
Spend hours researching and piecing it all together like I did in my healing journey (EVEN with my masters degree in clinical psychology and art therapy).
You could choose to do nothing, keep living on autopilot, putting your needs last, losing yourself more and more, feeling more and more resentful, lost, bitter and finding the days where you feel true joy are getting fewer and fewer
Or… you could finally choose YOU. (I give you permission, it's okay!)
Choose to re-discover who you are as a mom and an INDIVIDUAL.
Choose to re-ignite your lost passions in life.
Choose to fill your cup without guilt.
Choose to teach your children to prioritize themselves, to take care of themselves and to stand up for what THEY NEED.
Choose to leverage the knowledge and skill of someone who's done it. Someone who has helped other moms do it.
Choose to stop guessing, stop wondering when this cycle will end, stop drowning in habits that are only temporarily masking how you're feeling.
The Art of (Re)Discovering You
The revolutionary step-by-step method for taking control of your emotional health & healing your relationship with yourself so that you can feel VIBRANT, CONFIDENT and FULFILLED.
The personal experience.
The knowledge and expertise.
The intentionally curated phases.
The inspiring guidance to take action.
The community support and connection.

“Kayla is awesome! She’s got everything you need to express yourself with the creative process. She has boundless enthusiasm, encouragement, and expertise. And is a wonderful teacher! Highly recommend!”
A quick note from me to you…
I remember what it was like to feel lost, stuck, and frustrated during what was supposed to be the most joyful season of my life.
The guilt followed me everywhere I went.
The anxiety threatened to swallow me whole.
If someone had just been there to show me that first step...to lay out the tools I needed and envelop me in the support of a community that knew what I was going through…
It would have changed my life.
No question.
Instead, I pieced together the road to fulfillment and rediscovery on my own, combining my experience as a therapist with creative, holistic techniques that filled in the gaps.
I’m sharing that method with you now because I don’t want you to spend another moment feeling exhausted and stuck, without a way out.
I’m here to show you that first step. To lay out the process for you and link you to a community of like-minded moms who will be cheering you on from day one.
All I need from you is a commitment to YOURSELF, and you could be living the life you’ve dreamed of in a few, short weeks—just like my other clients who started out right where you are now.
I'M READY!“Growing up I had learned that it was best not to worry or to stop crying, No one told me HOW TO ACTUALLY PROCESS MY THOUGHTS AND FEELINGS. Now I am able to care for myself and raise empowered children.” -Mom of 2
— Limited Time BONUS! —
When you enroll now, you will also receive the Art of Empowerment: Cultivating Connection and Emotional Expression through Creativity to Build Resilience in Your Family PLUS the course includes actionable steps for building connection and open communication for busy families.
This is a $297 value that comes FREE with your enrollment!
Don’t wait and miss out on this added support! You 100% deserve it. I’m in your corner!
Enroll Now!
Here’s how you know if you landed in the right place
Just like hot yoga and 5am morning meditation, this course isn’t for everyone.
The Art of (Re)Discovering You is going to make a MASSIVE IMPACT on your life, if...
- You are ready to stop doing all of the things that don’t work or the things you think you should do and focus on the proven system that does work.
- You know that the road to success isn’t straight, it’s windy but you are committed.
- You want to learn about natural modalities with art therapy, aromatherapy, mindfulness and holistic lifestyle integration to connect to your emotions.
- You are done putting yourself on the back burner and getting short term results.
… And who should opt out at this time
The Art of (Re)Discovering You is NOT for you if:
- You’re not comfortable diving deep into the root causes and unconscious beliefs impacting your emotional health and would prefer a band-aide fix for now.
- You’re not open to using the creative process and mindfulness tools
- You’re not committed to taking control of your emotional health and being gentle with yourself as you move through this journey.
- If you’re in a psychiatric crisis this is not the option for you at this time, you should be working alongside a professional in your community for in person support and therapy. This course is not therapy nor a substitution for therapy.
If you’re thinking, “nah, that’s not me,” then The Art of (Re)Discovering You was created just for you.
This is exactly what I need! Save me a seat before they’re all gone!
“I so enjoy working with Kayla. I love the atmosphere and the setting and the freedom and the encouragement to step out of my comfort zone.”
“What if I can't afford the investment right now or I really want to stay out of debt, should I wait?”
“I can't even think about adding another thing to my plate, should I wait for another time?”
What if I am working with another practitioner, can I still enroll?
“I’ve already spent so much money trying to solve X problem, will this program work?”
“What if I already use essential oils and am loyal to the brand I choose?”
“What if I have never used essential oils, is this program right for me?”
“I'm not an artist. Is this right for me?”
“Do you offer refunds?”
At this point, it really comes down to this:
You are here because you want to stop just moving through motherhood and losing yourself along the way.
So it’s super important that you start making yourself a priority so you can take back your emotional health, give this time back to yourself, and start truly enjoying YOUR life again.
Space is limited in this program, so ask yourself these questions now:
How do you want to be feeling in 3 months? Next year?
Do you have a plan and the skills to get yourself there?
If the answer to the second question is NO, then let’s do this! I’m in your corner. You 1000% DESERVE THIS and so does your family.
The door will be closing soon, so don’t miss your chance!
I'm Ready!
Still wondering if The Art of (Re)Discovering You is right for you?
That means you care deeply about making the best decision for yourself and your family—deeply enough to read through this whole page before making a final decision. I have so much respect and understanding for that!
And I would love to have a quick talk with you to give you the clarity you’re looking for.
Let’s meet for a quick, no-strings-attached chat on Facebook Messenger!